Category: Admin & Human Resources

Does Your Company Have the Bench Strength You Need?

At a recent Remodelers Advantage conference, I asked the room full of remodeling company owners about hiring. 75% of those in the room indicated that they would be hiring new people within the next 6 months. This was exciting news because it indicates an optimistic outlook toward the future! Growth! Yes! 

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Investing In Your Team Pays Off

One of the most important elements determining a company’s success is the quality of the employees. In my 25+ years in the renovation industry, I’ve seen this business principle played out again and again. Those companies who place significant importance on the hiring, training and retention of great employees have happier clients, more loyal trade

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Does Your Company Need a System?

“I need my company to be more systematized,” is something I hear from many remodeling company owners. What exactly does that mean and why is it so alluring? I have been looking with no success for a definition of “system” that addresses what I think it means. The definition that works for me is “a

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10 Tips for Becoming a Service Excellence Leader

When I think about great leaders, instinctively I think of people who are fearlessly driven and inspire greatness in others. Leadership can show itself in different forms and span a variety of industries. Fortunately for me, working with residential construction professionals, I’m surrounded by leaders who focus on service excellence. All the remodelers I work

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The Value of Volunteer Employees

We know that many company-owners face the challenge of getting the best out of their employees. Linda Case provides helps you can hone your leadership skills with volunteer employees. At a recent Remodelers Executive Roundtable meeting 12 highly successful remodelers were discussing how they could hone their leadership skills. I asked each attendee to think

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Making Annual Planning Successful

It’s annual planning time and I’m hoping that you and your team are well underway. We just completed our planning session and it was extremely worthwhile. Here are some tips on making this time successful: Include Your Staff in the Planning Process After all, they are the people who are going to make the plan

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Managing for Accountability

You probably feel that you shouldn’t have to “babysit” your employees. After all, the people that have been hired are all professionals. They know what has to be done. They don’t need monitoring, right? Is this a realistic . . .or an effective point of view? Remember, there’s a big difference between being a good

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Creating a Structure of Governance that Works

Again and again as I consult with remodeling companies, I recommend the same action to cure many of their ills. And again and again, they report major improvements when they follow this relatively simple advice. The problem is that many of the companies have outgrown their management structure and yet have staff on board –

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Reducing Your Need to Hire by Increasing Efficiency!

Business owners might sometimes feel they need to hire more workers to meet the steady flow of work that is coming in and because they do not want to lose projects, they look to take on more employees. However, you can meet the demands by following some simple guidelines about how to increase efficiency and

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