Category: Production

4 Ways to Battle Slippage Mindset in Production

Slippage! Wow, when you look at it from a production viewpoint it comes from everywhere! It’s a battle that all remodelers face on a daily basis; win the battle and see higher profits… lose the battle a few times and it can affect team morale, customer satisfaction and ultimately, the bottom line. Sometimes it is

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Reducing Slippage with Process Improvement

Here at Remodelers Advantage we set aside the month of June to focus on an issue that plagues most service-based businesses, but can be a critical metric in looking at the success of a remodeling firm. Last year we named June “Slippage Awareness Month” and this year you will see content submissions from our consulting,

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Establishing Trust Through Successful Pre-Construction Meetings with Chris Peterson – [The Tim Faller Show] Ep.07

As remodeling projects transition from the sales and design phase into actual production, an effective pre-construction meeting can either make or break your chances of a successful client experience. Pre-construction meetings, if run correctly, allow you to establish a relationship with the client; setting clear expectations, roles and responsibilities, setting milestone dates, communication contacts… and

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PowerTips Book Recommendations: May 2018

As we continue our book recommendation feature here on PowerTips, we’ve received some great tips from our staff and facilitators and in February we polled our Marketing Roundtables Groups. This month we wanted to see which books our Production professionals out there are reading and recommending to their peers… so we tapped into our Production

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