
The Remodelers

Guide to Business

How to Quickly Connect with People and Make a Tremendous Impression

I-forget-everyones-nameIt’s time for the first ever installment of Skills every remodeler should have, but don’t think it’s very important, so they don’t take the time to figure out how to do it.

(It’s a working title.)

Let’s kick off this series with the burning question, “How can I remember people’s names?” – something every remodeler should know how to do.


Well, besides avoiding the awkwardness of greeting people you’ve already met with, “Hey…m…man. How have you been,” saying someone’s name is a powerful persuasion tool. It puts people at ease and sets a friendly tone to the conversation.

Plus, people love to feel important, and there’s no easier way to oblige than by remembering their name. It tells them that they made an impression on you.

Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People. “] A person’s name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.

These four methods are simple, and (more importantly) they work.

1. Pay attention during the introduction.

When you are first introduced to someone, pay attention to her name. Obvious, right?

Well amazingly, many people miss the name entirely. Usually, it’s because they’re busy thinking about what they themselves will say in response. This is especially true when meeting someone with whom you want to make a good first impression.

2. Repeat his name, repeat his name, repeat his name.

Use his name as often as possible during the conversation (without being a weirdo):

“Hi Bilbo. It’s nice to meet you.”

“So, Bilbo, what do you do for a living?”

“Well, Bilbo, it’s been a pleasure meeting you, take care.”

3. Association.

Look for an unusual feature or trait and try to associate it with the person’s name. There are endless possibilities here. Maybe the name rhymes with a particular feature or mannerism. For example:

“Heather talks about the weather,”

“Ryan looks like a Lion,”

“Britt is so full of … compliments,”

You get the gist, search for anything that connects the name to the person.

4. Write it down.

As soon as possible after the encounter, write down the name. It can be on napkin or scrap paper that you throw away. The purpose isn’t for having access to it later (though there’s nothing wrong with that). It’s to work the name through your brain. Writing it out requires other parts of your brain to get involved in processing the information and translating it into muscle-movements.

Knowing someone’s name shows people you appreciate them. It’s the difference between a stranger and a friend; between “the remodeler” and “Alan, an amazing guy who’s company remodeled our kitchen.”

What about you?

Do you struggle to remember people’s names? What tactics have you used to remember names? I look forward to your comments below.

Image courtesy of franky242 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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