Tag: financials

Project Sweet Spot: Where Profits Are Easy!

Do you know what what kinds of projects deliver the most profit to your company . . . and do so on a consistent basis . . . and do so with the least amount of headaches? You should, because this is exactly the kind of project you want to repeat over and over and over again. This project takes full advantage of your

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Your Midyear Financial Checklist

If you’re a baseball fan than you know that the all-star break is right around the corner. You also know that this game serves as a performance milestone, with most looking at a team’s season in terms of “before the break” and “after the break.” Well, it’s your all-star break, too. How are you performing at

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How to Avoid Cash Flow Problems

This week’s episode of PTTV was inspired by a remodeler who was so successful he almost lost his business. Sound crazy? It happens more often than you think! The fact is, if you grow too quickly you could outgrow your cash position. Once you start down that road things can quickly spiral out of control.

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Upsells: An Easy Way to Increase Profits

We all know that it’s easier to sell something to an existing customer than to make the first sale to a new prospect. So how can remodelers take advantage of this bit of wisdom? For many, it’s by adding products and/or services that give you the opportunity to upsell. According to Wikipedia, upselling is, “a

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Keeping Your Eye on (The Right) Ball!

Excerpted from a  From the Business Leaders podcast – a series exclusively for Remodelers Advantage Members. If you’re like me, you’re busy! You don’t have time to watch every single area of your business to make sure that things are on track for a profitable year. So, take a page from our top members, remodeling

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When Job Costs Overrun… Take Quick Decisive Action

Every remodeler battles job cost overruns. They are universal to this business and are the single most common reason remodelers are not profitable. Ninety percent of overruns will be in the labor category. That’s not surprising since estimating labor is an act of judgment and the actual job performance is subject to so many variables.

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Are You Monitoring Your “Overhead Inventory?”

Savvy remodelers monitor ongoing design contracts for a clue to future work. But monitoring backlog—a sure thing—is also crucial. Backlog is simply work under contract but not yet done. It may be the as-yet-not-produced fraction of a job in construction or it may be a job you haven’t started yet. Don’t count a job as

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The Secret to Planning for Profit

Profit is so elusive, so easy to wear away or lose altogether, that it takes enormous effort to protect your bottom line. A budget is your best line of defense in guarding your profit. The dictionary defines budget as an itemized summary of probable expenditures and income for a given period. Another way–a much more

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