
The Remodelers

Guide to Business

3 Critical Stats from the 2020 State of Remodeler Marketing Report

Every year, my company Builder Funnel surveys remodelers from all over the United States and Canada to uncover the biggest challenges, obstacles and goals for the upcoming year.

This year, we partnered with Remodeler’s Advantage to promote the survey and put together the report. You can download the full report here.

That being said, I wanted to highlight 3 critical stats that stood out to me so that you can make 2021 a killer year for your remodeling business.


40% of Remodelers Do NOT Feel Their Marketing Strategy is Effective

Yikes. Almost half of remodelers don’t think their marketing is working. That’s pretty scary. I was being interviewed today, and a question came up that I think provides some context as to why this is.

Most remodelers aren’t consistent with their marketing efforts. They blog 4 times and then stop…and then suddenly 3 years go by and when a prospect visits the site, they see the last post is from 2017. Not a good look.

Or maybe they decide to advertise in a local magazine. So they place 1 ad and nothing happens…so they stop.

Marketing requires an element of consistency for it to actually take hold and start to produce. Most remodelers just don’t stick with the strategy long enough.

This also leads to another reason why…


54% of Remodelers Do Not Calculate ROI or Don’t Know How

If you aren’t able to calculate the ROI on your marketing, you probably don’t think any of your marketing is effective.

I see this a lot.

Remodeler: “I’ve been doing Google Ads for a while now, but it’s not really working.”

Me: “Oh, really? Why not?”

Remodeler: “I’m just not getting enough leads, and the leads that do come in aren’t high quality.”

Me: “Interesting. How many leads did you get last month and how much did you spend?”

Remodeler: “I’m not exactly sure how many leads I got, but we’re spending $500/month on Google Ads.”

Me: “Okay, if you don’t know how many leads you got, do you know if you’ve closed any projects?”

Remodeler: “I’m not really sure.”

This is a very common exchange that takes place on my calls with remodelers. If you don’t know how many leads and customers you’re getting from a certain channel, you can’t possibly know if it’s working or not.

Today’s modern remodelers are putting in the tracking software and tools to be able to measure their marketing so that they can improve over time. It allows you to kill off any bad marketing channels and double down on channels that are effective.

The key takeaway from this stat is to make sure you put some marketing analytics and tracking tools in place heading into 2021.


41% of Remodelers are STILL not Blogging

Blogging has proven itself as one of the most powerful content marketing tools for attracting your ideal prospects through Google search.

If you’re not blogging or not blogging consistently, make the commitment to making 2021 the year you stick to it.

Blogging allows you to answer prospect questions they are typing into Google.

  • How much does a kitchen remodel cost in Atlanta?
  • How long does it take to add an addition in Seattle?
  • What are the current kitchen design trends in Austin?

The list of topics and questions goes on and on. By writing really great, informative blog posts on these topics, you’ll not only start to attract your idea prospects, but you’ll start building trust and credibility before the sales call because you’re becoming their trusted advisor by educating them about the process and how everything works and what to expect.

The other fantastic thing about blogging is that it acts more like an investment than an expense. Our company has been blogging for a decade, and we get traffic to our website each and every month to blog posts we wrote years ago. Those posts get indexed in Google and continue to pay dividends each and every month.


Wrapping Up

Each year, we uncover some really interesting insights through the report, and this blog just scratched the surface. Download the full report so that you’re primed and ready for 2021.


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